Tuesday, August 4, 2015

THE MOMENT   當下.當代              

Contemporary Taiwanese American Arts

Luchia Meihua Lee

To draw a Contemporary Art forum is to separate from both modern and historical perspectives, to immerse oneself in current time and space. A meeting point in the processing time from past and to the future. We might call it the “moment;” it is short and creative.   It entails catching an idea when it appears like a flash of light. It can – and must - disappear in the next femtosecond. A “moment” can mean a minute portion of time, or the product of quantity (as a force) and the distance to a particular point. THE MOMENT in contemporary art can be ideally a philosophical term and scientific necessity.

In 2015, I take THE MOMENT as a theme, and develop it to a series of multi-disciplinary programs taking place in various venues. THE MOMENT starts here at the New York Hall of Science. The traditional format of painting shares space with an intertwining of natural with industrial material, and a literature space employs the latest interactive technology.  These are threads expressing multiple directions, meeting in this MOMENT. The MOMENT investigates the play of the virtual and the real, inward and outward, our intimate reflection on a surface, dark and light, or a view of self in the outside environment.  The Moment visualizes a picture, an object, a location, a person, or a fanciful collective memory of how we evolved as creatures. We are about to investigates the artist’s relation to society and himself.
Romping through contemporary aesthetics,  artists and the curators share different interpretations; each artwork displays its own moment, as the product of a unique insight and the distance the artist has carried his or her conception, and this is a moment for us to carefully experience and think about “no-where” and “now-here.”  


這個展演計劃我選用了“Moment-當下這個詞來描繪當代藝術,試圖將之與“現代”和“歷史”觀點分開,專注在當前的時間和空間。從過去和未來處理時間的交匯點;我們可以把它叫做“當下”,這是一種抓住短期的創造靈感。在需要抓住想法那一霎那,這個靈感像一道閃光。它可以 - 並必定 - 消失在下一秒。“當下”可以指那一分秒鐘的時間部分,也是數量的產物(它可作為力)和距離到一個特定的點。在當代藝術裏處理“當下”也成為長期以來一個理想的哲學性的概念,它也和與科學有著聯結的必要性。

2015年,TAAC- THE MOMENT爲主題進行一系列發生在紐約不同的人文展場的展演活動計劃。「當下 . 當代」(The Moment 的第一場展覽從紐約科學博物館(New York Hall of Science)開始。在這裡,繪畫,自然,人工,與工業材料的交織共享一個空間,另外文學空間的傳統格式採用了最新的互動技術,或者我們看見演化而來的生物集體記憶,這些作品拉出的聯結線表達多個方向,在接著的多場展演中持續向外延伸。 在接下來的皇后區植物園(Queens Botanical Garden) 一直到花園的竊竊私語故事行爲表演,跨領域的繪畫與舞者翩翩起舞,吟詩朗誦,在樹下如蘇格拉底式的論壇,爵士音樂的交響,接下來在皇后博物館(Queens Museum),互動的六件作品在博物館二樓與觀眾往來,九月二十七日來自臺灣東海岸東冬候溫,與薩布一團原聲呐喊,融合傳統祭儀與當代的延伸,到了在可樂那公園(Flushing Meadows Corona Park) 的雕塑矗立,如白雪般的竹林織出,與孩童的嘻戲的時刻。我們在這當下的一秒交會,在此刻看見數位傳送的虛擬和現實,接觸及遠離。如同我們表面上看到的THE MOMENT主題設計的深色和淺色交錯,瞬間的可視化圖像,在對象地點與人,自我與外部環境景觀的交互親密的反映,我們在這裏即將考察藝術家,社會和自我的關係。


「當下 . 當代」(The Moment 展覽通過當代美學嬉戲,來接觸更多的群衆。這群臺裔藝術家與策展人分享著不同的解釋; 每個作品顯示了自己的獨特視角。這個時刻,我們要認真體會和思考「當下 . 當代」的概念 -“就在現在,就在這裡”。 

Part 1: New York Hall of Science: 14 Taiwanese American Artists
Part 2: Queens Botanical Garden: multi-diciplanary projects 20 artists.
Part 3: Queens Museum : 6 Interative Projects
Part 4: Queens Museum:  Don Don Howum group performance
Part 5: Flushing Meadows Corona Park: 4 artists from Taiwan, MOCA Taipei
Part 6: Taiwan Center: Mural and installation
Part 7: Tenri Culture Institute: 10 artists from Taiwan, MOCA Taipei
Part 8: Queens Museum: A Moving Sound

Note1: THE MOMENT is a series of multi-disciplinary arts programs for which we have invited distinguished contemporary Taiwanese American artists. It will take place from August 8 through October 30, 2015 in various venues in New York City. Selected both from New York and Taiwan, but not limited to Taiwanese American, the artists will present diverse perspectives on the fluidity and fusion of culture between locations as remote as Queens. The works in diverse disciplines —sculpture, installation, interactive art, Performance, and a workshop—will be created specifically for THE MOMENT program and involve the community in dialogue.
the programs Organized by Taiwanese American Arts Council, Chief curated by Luchia Meihua Lee, curator include CJ Yeh at the Hall of Science, and others programs in various venues also co-curated by Luchia Meihua Lee and Maple Yu-Chieh Lin.
ote 2: A Chinese term of  "當下.當代"(dang1dai4dang1xia4) was giving by Maple Yu-Chieh Lin