Saturday, October 20, 2018

Urban Tribe

by Luchia Meihua Lee

The subject of the "Urban Tribe” is a portion of the urgent topic of globalization. From this wider subject, focus in on cultural issues in a new community that has been created typically in the big city. I question whether hybridity is a sufficient description of the profound and ever-present opposition between remaining faithful to tradition and adapting to the circumstances of the enveloping milieu.  We might find a self-sufficient group in any ethnicity developing its own cultural identity, and diverging significantly from their original character. Yet the members of Urban Tribes do not completely take on the living style of the larger population in which they reside, and it is the differences that are most interesting. Here, I would like to use a fresh perspective to view small and possibly even isolated pockets of disjointedness, and then interpret them in a worldwide and international context.

In these multi-disciplinary projects, artists reinterpret the sense of the culture term “Tribe” in terms of urban reactions in the community. Nowadays, the definition of “Tribe” has already transformed to apply to a wider group, defined by ethnicity, national origin, language etc. The program will focus on underlining the diversity of life in and fostering interactivity with the community on Environmental subjects.

Globalization not only influences the international business climate, but also affects the national scene and local tribal natives. As one example, this is apparent among that part of the indigenous population in Taiwan which has moved from ancestral lands to the city. Some contemporary artists create a new language and means of expression from the aboriginal heritage – indigenous ritual, belief, cultural elements, and reverence for the environment. These works could involve individual tribal members or tribal groups – either as subjects or as artists.
Perhaps the most jarring change in the transition from pastoral homeland to urban milieu for aborigines is the loss of ritual and myth, or more accurately the wrenching need to adapt these human needs to the encountered environment.  Myth is a connection to the divine, and artists are best equipped to mediate a new connection that is relevant to city life and shakes off the dust of mundanity.

Here, the interconnection between the mind, body, nature, culture, and how artists work with this concept of the urban tribe create work that is constructed to pull a viewer through a symbolic journey of language and materials. Thoreau wrote of culture as “The Enchanter” and how immersing oneself in nature is the only way one can answer two simple yet indispensable questions without the influence of certain aspects of culture: how much is enough and how do I know what I want? He felt only in nature could one truly hear one’s own heart, divorced from the influence of cultural voices. The rituals and ceremonies and symbolic nature of the urban tribe act as a doorway back into both nature and the natural voice of the individual and group – divorced from the programming of specifically capitalist and consumer culture.

Sarah Walko studio installation
This is a multi-disciplinary project that will span different ethnic groups and tribes. All work presented in this exhibition will be contemporary art, produced either by aborigines – Taiwanese or American – or by contemporary artists commenting on the urban environment. Artists will be chosen not only on the basis of special indigenous background, but also because tribal culture has been incorporated into their work, with special emphasis on those living in the city, but taking the environment into account and using ritual to express a concern for the land.

TAAC Gala performance

紐約及愛爾蘭經驗 - 海外移民,殖民文化及孤島藝術

紐約及愛爾蘭經驗 - 海外移民,殖民文化及孤島藝術
The diaspora, colonial experience, architecture, and insular art - New York and Ireland 

愛爾蘭在一九九二年成爲獨立國家,脫離超過六百年的英國之殖民,這個國家現有超過四百七十萬人口,面積八萬四千平方公里(相比台灣為2355萬和40,000平方公里),雖然北愛爾蘭因爲宗教因素還是在英國之部分,但當地的人還稱自己為愛爾蘭人;而不會是英國人。這個國家的獨立經歷多次大大小小慘烈的獨立戰爭, 許多精英加入了激進分子的領導行列,革命中喪失了生命,給他們的家人造成了深重的痛苦,許多城市建築也燒毀,現已重建,在都柏林的市區可見一尊尊的雕像矗立街頭,如果瞭解愛爾蘭的歷史會完全理解現金愛爾蘭人的强烈愛國及國家文化的認同意識。有一首非常有名的詩歌“母親”[1]是愛國烈士帕斯博士(Patrick (Pádraig) Pearse)在1916 年在未成功的革命中被捕處決之前夕以母親角色來寫下他與弟弟威利Willie都為爭取愛爾蘭的獨立而犧牲了性命。

長久的悲傷 - 然而我有我的喜悅:



在談到愛爾蘭移民,必須提到移居在英國及美國和其他國家散居的人口。所有愛爾蘭的藝術家都希望有機會在倫敦展辦理展覽,並希望他們的藝術作品能夠在展示時被收藏,也同時有一些有趣的事情總會不時的發生,在十九世紀藝術家可以做出奇怪的改變來妥協現實狀態,例如,他們可以改變藝術作品的標題主題以避免挑起英國對愛爾蘭的偏見,因此可以取悅倫敦的觀眾或是不讓英國的收藏家請在。這個例子將會在之後的文章中逐步分析,儘管在愛爾蘭存在反英情緒,但都柏林的城市發展遵循了英國式的刻板印象,如城市規劃或維多利亞和喬吉亞的建築風格,十九世紀後期愛爾蘭發生了重要的文化復興運動。由於基督教影響了這個愛爾蘭島嶼,整個社會基本上分為兩組 - 新教徒和保守的羅馬天主教徒。[羅馬天主教徒佔絕大多數。]

在這場長期的文化運動,愛爾蘭社會精英發自内心的熱愛塞爾特歷史,運用宣傳及有計劃的組織這一場蓋爾文化復興運動,以藝術加上政治從多個文化角度來引起歡慶愛爾蘭遺產。這些活動涉及文件記載歷史建築,地形,藝術,文學,出版物和政治上熟練的宣傳,這群人不移遺力致志向前推進,最終成功改變了政治環境。也因此,今天在愛爾蘭有一個非常明確的國家身份和文化認同。這一場文化運動不僅給愛爾蘭帶來了強烈的族群認同感,而且是一次重大的文化復興。有幾個重要的歷史人物必須提及,如威廉.斯托克斯博士和他的女兒瑪格麗特. 斯托克斯博士, 還有建築師如迪恩和伍德沃德,藝術家如喬治皮特里,後來的威廉濟慈,和他的兄弟傑克濟慈和姐妹蘇珊和伊麗莎白濟慈,還有像丹尼爾.奧康奈爾等政治家也多是其中一份子。

在十九世紀初的大饑荒期間,超過一百萬愛爾蘭人離開愛爾蘭鄉鎮遷徙到美國;些移民團體居住在紐約和美國其他許多州,他們在紐約市建立了一個非常強大的愛爾蘭社區,其中如在曼哈頓第五大道上的聖帕翠克大教堂和每年一度的聖帕翠克節遊行等都是重要的標誌, 還有有趣的現象是很多愛爾蘭裔美國人強烈地表現出對祖國的愛國情懷,在都柏林國家音樂廰,剛剛維修完成並於二〇一八年一月舉行了第一場音樂會,我們看到了在大廳中列出的贊助人名單使用較為大字的字體明顯標記贊助人名,其中最大的贊助者特別並標出“美國人”。另外,前美國總統約翰.肯尼迪是愛爾蘭後裔,他對愛爾蘭的訪問在本地也是一件大事並瞭解兩個國家間的緊密關係。

有個歷史事實,英格蘭和愛爾蘭之間的一大區別在於,羅馬人征服並統治了英國數世紀,但羅馬從未征服過愛爾蘭。查看愛爾蘭的藝術歷史及國寶凱爾斯之書(Book of Kells)的影響力,必須回到中世紀早期,當時來自羅馬的傳教士遍布歐洲,直至英格蘭,蘇格蘭,威爾士和愛爾蘭。這些僧侶攜帶手稿,複製手稿或向教皇請求給與;其後,傳教士逐漸分組,大多數的修道院遵循羅馬統治,而愛爾蘭人則因為離羅馬很遠而獨立運作。其中一位僧侶科倫巴(Columba)出生在愛爾蘭的一個王室,之後他成為了一個修道士,後來移居在蘇格蘭西部的愛奧那(Iona)建立了一個修道院,離愛爾蘭不遠。愛奧那修道院成為科倫巴建立的一系列修道院的指揮中心,其中一些位於英格蘭東北部的諾桑比亞(Northumbria),另一些位於愛爾蘭本島。

島國藝術(Insular Art)手抄本(manuscript)是指來自愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭,威爾士及英格蘭以及當時移居的書,這包含了交互影響的地中海區域,如瑞士,德國,奧地利,希臘,法國及意大利的島國藝術手抄本,這個詞在歐洲其他地方還沒有被應用。但是,如果沒有大寫字母,“insula”只是拉丁語中的“島嶼”,也可以更普遍地使用。在這些島嶼內觀察和開展研究,對於在一個小國家中保持國家形象和身份的重要性提供了很多擴展的視角。

[1] 帕斯出生都柏林,對於語言有極大興趣及學習,他原意係愛爾蘭國會獨立自主于英國,但之後決定投入愛爾蘭的獨立運動,並成立了男孩團體學校,讓孩子學習愛爾蘭語言及蓋爾文化,在1916年帕斯爲主的團體占領郵政總局,但是英國軍隊其後他的弟弟威利在其後也被槍殺。除了是老師與革命家,他也是作家與詩人,在死刑前夕所作的詩歌來表達他的母親對於兩個兒子的死亡。

[2] “ 亞細亞的孤兒》(日文名:アジアの孤児)是台灣作家吳濁流成名的長篇日文小說. 書籍對當年的台灣人,既不是日本人也不是中國人的身份認同,其矛盾與混亂深刻描繪。在對自身歸依的無助感及許多人生挫折打擊的日侵月蝕下,最後混亂發瘋,悲劇收場。”( 蔡永強. 亞細亞的孤兒-吳濁流 (PDF). 國立編譯館. 吳濁流. 亞細亞的孤兒. 台灣: 草根出版社. 1995年. ISBN 9579897174. 衍生作品有台灣歌手羅大佑] 於1983年創作同名歌曲《亞細亞的孤兒》。但當時的副標題「紅色的夢魘,致中南半島難民」,使眾人以為此曲內容為描述當年「泰北異域孤軍」後裔的悲涼處境。直到約30多年後2009年,羅大佑才說此曲原意是影射中美斷交事件中的臺灣人,副標只為應付當年的歌曲檢查政策歌的故事/羅大佑《亞細亞的孤兒》原來是指台灣人民? 今日新聞網. 2009-03-14: 影劇中心 [2011-02-15].

The diaspora, colonial experience, architecture, and insular art 
---- New York and Ireland
by Luchia Lee-Howell

A view from IMMA window
Ireland won its independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. It has a population of 4.7 million people in an area of 84,000 km2, (compared to 23.55 million and 40,000 km2 for Taiwan) Ireland has been through many rebellions against the English over the past 600 years, before the successful war for independence. Many elites have joined as activists, leading revolutions which ended in death, causing deep suffering to their family members. A renowned poem by “Pádraig Pearse before he was executed in 1916 for his role in an unsuccessful revolution, runs:
The Mother[1] by Pádraig Pearse

I do not grudge them: Lord, I do not grudge
My two strong sons that I have seen go out
To break their strength and die, they and a few,
In bloody protest for a glorious thing,
They shall be spoken of among their people,
The generations shall remember them,
And call them blessed;
But I will speak their names to my own heart
In the long nights;
The little names that were familiar once
Round my dead hearth.
Lord, thou art hard on mothers:
We suffer in their coming and their going;
And tho' I grudge them not, I weary, weary
Of the long sorrow--And yet I have my joy: My sons were faithful, and they fought .

 IMMA to the Phoenix part
This reminds us of the Taiwanese song The Orphan of Asia, which starts  “The orphan of Asia was crying in the windBlack eyes had white phobia, Western wind in the east was singing sad songs…..”

The orphan of Asia was crying in the wind
Black eyes had white phobia
Western wind in the east was singing sad songs
Orphan of Asia was crying in the wind
No one wanted to play fair game with you
Everyone all wanted your beloved toys
Dear Child, why were you crying?
How many people were pursuing that unsolved question[2]?

 In talking with new Irish immigrants, reference has been made to the diaspora in the UK, US, and other countries. There were some interesting things that happened when artists exhibit in London, where all artists seek the chance to exhibit and hope their art works will be collected. Artists can make weird changes to compromise and thus please the audience in London. For example, they can change the work title to avoid disturbing British prejudices against Ireland. Despite anti-British feeling in Ireland, city development in Dublin has followed the stereotypical British format, such as city planning or the Victorian and Georgian architecture styles. There was an important cultural revival movement in late 19th century. Since Christianity has influenced this island, society has divided into two groups - Protestants, and conservative Roman Catholics. [The Roman Catholics are a large majority.] 

Irish elites acted as propagandists, organizing a movement to celebrate Irish heritage from multiple cultural angles, politically and artistically. The activities involved documented historical architecture, topography, art, literature, publications and politically skillful propaganda. The efforts moved forward and eventually successfully changed the political environment. Thus, today in Ireland there is a very clear identity and culture. This movement not only brought a strong identity to Ireland, but also a significant cultural revival. There were several important figures. Such as Dr. William Stokes, and his daughter Margaret, Architects, such as Deane and Woodward, artists such as George Petrie, and later William B. Yeats and his brother Jack Yeats and sisters Susan and Elizabeth Yeats. politicians such as Daniel O’Connell, and others.

Over one million Irish people left emigrated to America during the Great Famine of the 19th century. These immigrant groups lived in New York, and many other states in US. They built up a very strong Irish community in New York City with their significant icons such as St. Patrick’s Cathedral on 5th Avenue and the annual St Patrick’s Day parade. Interestingly, Irish-Americans strongly show their patriotic feelings for their home country. The Dublin National Theatre was just renovated and had the first concert in January 2018. We have found the patrons listed in the lobby; on the top in larger font is clearly marked “United States.” John Kennedy, the former US president, was of Irish descent, and his visit to Ireland was a large event.

One big difference between England and Ireland is that the Romans conquered and ruled England for many centuries, but Rome never conquered Ireland.

Investigate the national treasures in Ireland back to the early Medieval period, when missionaries From Rome had spread out over Europe, as far as England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. These monks carried manuscripts with them, and copied manuscripts or requested them from the Pope, and the missionaries gradually divided into groups. Most followed the rule from Rome, while those in Ireland became independent because they were so far from Rome. One of these monks, Columba, was born in Ireland of a royal family. He became a monk andhile later founded a monastery in Iona - west of Scotland and not far from Ireland. The monastery at Iona become the command center of a chain of monasteries founded by Columba, some in Northumbria (in northeast England), and others in Ireland.

Insular manuscripts are those from Ireland and England, and this term has not been applied anywhere else in Europe. But when not capitalized, “insula” is simply the Latin word for “island” and can be also used in more generally. Observing and doing research within these islands has provided much extended perspective of what is significant in keeping national icons and identity in a small country.

[1] Patrick (Pádraig) Pearse (1879-1916) was born in Dublin and had a great interest in the Irish language and spent many summers in Rosmuc in Galway learning Irish. At first he just wanted a parliament in Dublin rather than total independence from Britain. However, he later decided to start a rebellion and fight for independence. He established a school for boys, St. Enda’s School, where children could learn about Irish culture and language. During the 1916 Rising, Pearse was in charge of the General Post Office (G.P.O.). When the British army overpowered the Irish rebels, it was Pearse who ordered their general surrender in order to save further loss of life. He was tried and executed by a firing squad in Kilmainham Jail on the 3rd of May 1916. His younger brother Willie was also shot.
In addition to being a teacher and a revolutionary, Patrick Pearse was also a poet and a writer. One of his famous poems is called The Mother. It was written the night before his execution and describes his mother’s thoughts on the death of her two sons.

[2] The Orphan of Asia is novel by Wu Zhouliu. The book reflects Taiwan’s wandering-orphan status through time not only in its political content, but also in its publishing history. The book was written in the late Japanese colonial period (1895-1945; at the time, the controls over speech and writing were pretty strict, so, the novel had to be clandestinely penned, and it was not possible to publish the book. After the Pacific War, Taiwan was the governed under the Chinese Nationalist 9KMT) immigrants, Mandarin Chinese became the national language, and the novel which was written in Japanese was again facing unpublishable status and the feelings Taiwanese people through the metaphor of an orphan abandoned by its parents, the book evoked a tremendous response from readers. Its English translation was made possible in 2005. Wu, Zhuoliu. 2006. Orphan of Asia. translated by Ioannis Mentzas. New York: Columbia University Press.
Old Library, Trinity College Dublin

Brian Boru Harp