TAAC Recognition: Taiwanese American Artists
This exhibition is formed by artists who support the launch
of TAAC, the Taiwanese American Arts Council. The work is bidirectional – it
enables and embodies interaction between Taiwanese American artists and their community.
We also peer through a small aperture to see a spectacular world. We celebrate recognition,
admiration, and support of the Taiwanese American art community from the
Taiwanese community and seek the broader world’s understanding of Taiwanese
American artists.

To observe the moving flow of Taiwanese American Artist,
return to the 80s in New York's Soho art district where the first generation of
overseas artists settled; they were quite active within the larger western
artist circle, and they created a splendid historical moment. The second wave
of artists from Taiwan in the 90s faced a
changing, confusing insecure world of economic and immigration difficulties. Artists
based in the United States find themselves awash not only in the conflict between eastern
and western, but also in the cultural whirlpool that is urban America. A
metropolitan life – especially in New York - famously requires toughness and
resiliency; at the same time metropolitan artists absorb multicultural
influences to enrich their inherited outlook. For artists of the last
ten years or new students, geo-focused fixed residence in the United States is
not mandatory, and the use of new media is indispensable; their work is more
diverse and more challenging.
Of the selected artists living in Taiwan, some
are bound to the land on which they stand, and thus to consequent norms of
culture, custom, and folk traditions; and this can be seen in the subjects
which they choose. For example, eating is still an important component of a
very recently rural society. In this exhibition, most art works from Taiwan are
silkscreen prints, because of the passion and call of the pioneer ofTaiwan modern
print making.
Because of limitations in space, not all of the works from Taiwan are on display, but the
catalog lists all participating works. In addition, the exhibition only represents
and cannot cover all Taiwanese-American artists, but TAAC has planned for the
future a platform to promote and assist the development of the arts in Taiwan
and the U.S.
Artists (US) : (alphabetically by last name)
Shida Guo 郭旭達, Ni Hao Hao倪灝, Hsu Ruey Hsiann 徐瑞憲,Tang-Wei Hsu 許唐瑋,
Huang Benrei 黃本蕊, Catherine Lan 藍巧茹, Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao廖健行, Lin Shih Pao 林世寶, Alen Lien 連任, Vivian Tsao曹志漪, Leigh Wen 鄭麗雲, Lan-Chiann Wu 嵐倩(LA), Chin Chih Yang 楊金池, C.J. Yeh 葉謹睿, Marlene Tseng Yu 虞曾富美.
Taiwan (Silkscreen prints) 絹印版畫來自台灣 :
張正仁Chang Cheng-Ren、陳永欽 Chen Yong Ching、鐘有輝 Chong You-Hui、朱哲良Chu Zhe-Liang、 廖修平Liao Shiou Ping、林雪卿Lin Xue- Ching、郭博洲Kuo Bo-Chou、徐明豐 Hsu Ming Feng、許自貴Hsu Tze-Kuai、黃坤伯Huang Kun-Bo、賴振輝Lai Chen Hui、彭泰一Peng Taiyi、沈金源 Shen Ching Yuan、蔡義雄Tsai Yi- Hsiung、田文筆Tien Wen Bi、楊識宏Chih Hong Yang 、袁金塔Yuan Chin-Ta.
『認識TAAC台美當代藝術家』TAAC Recognition: Taiwanese American Artists 展覽是雙向的,是自小看大的;我們在美國紐約以極小值的台灣藝術社群,來反應少數族群的台灣藝術家與社區的互動狀況,以及反映在他們作品上的表現與內容主題上的選擇。另一方面,藉由展出藝術作品來呼籲社區以及西方社会對於台灣藝術創作的認識、欣賞與支持,所以也是社區人士與藝術圈雙向的往來。
About TAAC
The Taiwanese American Arts Council was established in 2014
to carry forward the mission of the Taiwanese Art Endowment Fund which spurred
the creation of a named Taiwan Gallery by the Queens Museum of Art. Dr. Lung
Fong Chen and Taiwanese community leaders Thomas Chen and Patrick Huang had the
vision to create an organization to provide a platform for Taiwanese American
artists. Professional curator Luchia Meihua Lee, with the pioneer of Taiwan
modern print making, Prof. Liao Shiou Ping, provided the expertise and art
resources to realize this dream. The
TAAC aims to provide assistance to Taiwanese artists, scholars, and specialists
in the arts. TAAC will support cultural
and art leaders in different fields and in all states in the US and all
counties in Taiwan; it is expected to expand annually.
臺美藝術基金會旨在於透過文化藝術的合作交流提供支持臺灣與國際的對話、了解、與尊重。連結並資助在美國的臺灣優秀灣藝術創作者、專家、與學者。獎勵整合跨領域藝術創新概念;提升社區對於藝術創作的認知與欣賞; 豐富社群間的藝術對話, 鼓勵全球性的相互了解與回應。臺美藝術基金會將秉持跨越政治宗教,緊守中心宗旨並適時調整以因應國際間潮流與現實趨勢。
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