Monday, September 9, 2019

Pey-Chwen Lin: Augmented Reality Evangelist

Pey-Chwen Lin: Augmented Reality Evangelist


by Luchia Meihua Lee

Using abstract methods to describe an invisible spirit, a phenomenon, and concept is a free testimony. It is not an easy process to embody it, to digitalize religious prophecy and form it into a virtual world, where the foreseeable crisis is presented as an allegorical expression through the expression of art. There is a degree of difficulty in persuading the viewer and overcoming the belief gap. Although the extraordinary esteem accorded to science in our society is real, and It is also true that the ambition of biotechnology is also to predict the possibility of catastrophe. In the history of art, this has been expressed by the combination of objects in various time and space in surrealism or the use of semiotics for analysis. In another form, it is the mainstream of the art of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance.

Reconsider Kant’s central question “What is the human being?” [[i]]For some, the answer entails embracing cultural diversity, for others being human is simply holding on to aspiration in spite of accidents of birth and nature. Yet another response to this question is a reverence for natural and social systems, as elaborated by artistic discourse. Pey-Chwen Lin approaches Kant’s question differently. Uncertainty about and changing responses to “What is the human being” portend potential political, economic, and cultural crises. It is common to say that necessarily the future, and increasingly the present, belong to high technologies such as AI, VR, AR, and all kinds of new digital and mechanical implements. Robots are forecast to have a revolutionary impact on the global need for human labor. Humanistic concerns seemingly will be dissolved in a utopian future.

In this context, Stephen Fry [[ii] ] emphasized that we live in a flood plain and a great storm is coming; most urgently, in order to ready ourselves for a future bristling with technology, we must redouble our efforts to understand who we humans really are. We need to begin to understand what machines can and cannot do, and what human priorities they can assist. Art and humanity are more important than ever; we need to understand our soul, spirit, sense of beauty, love, inspiration, loyalty, and empathy. As machines can be programmed to do more, we will have more time so we need to know how and why we humans can fulfill our true nature.

Lin’s Eve Clone is readily recognizable; nude, in a crouching posture with partly extended arms. Symbolism abounds in Lin’s Eve Clone works; in her words, “The numbers, symbols, sounds and images in my works describe an important ‘appropriation’ concept.” On one level, they support belief in the Christian bible and prophets. On another level, Lin clothes the demon in ideal, standardized human form. As an example, investigate the video Making of Eve Clone then the AR-enabled documentary prints Making of Eve Clone Documentation, five of which show the development of Eve Clone’s hands and five of which show the development of Eve Clone’s head – all of which featured in the exhibition Urban Tribes. While the prints show a mechanical – almost architectural – elaboration of features that become more detailed in each successive print, the chilling app allows Eve Clone’s eyes to open and blink while head and hands rotate, as Lin’s creature wakes from her digital stupor. In the artist’s 2014 Revelation of Eve Clone video reflecting on global climate change and rising sea level, she gives us an animation of Eve Clone under water. Eve Clone’s head is golden, with a triple 6 adorning the forehead. In the video, its legs gradually turn to lead, matching the dream of Nebuchadnezzar as interpreted by Daniel.

Lin constructs another version of Eve Clone which is superimposed on and even obscures Vitruvian man, DaVinci’s ideal specifications for the human figure. Thus, the artist points to the danger that today’s advanced digital technology is also creating an ideal. For the video, Lin used a virtual camera to show from various angles how Eve Clone has been shaped and to emphasize her digital nature. The wire frame and skeleton, VU texture mapping, and pattern engraving not only serve as documentation but also underline how Eve Clone is a digital product of human desire. In another AR-enabled series, Lin explores the virgin Mary depicted as a classic and elegant renaissance woman head, recalling the series of prints showing construction of Eve Clone. In this digitally augmented reality, we have entered a qualitatively different era of information and new technological connectedness. As these prints suggest, it may be difficult or even impossible to distinguish the real from the fake, the robotic, and fetishistic.

Now turn to the Great Babylon video, which has Eve Clone high in the air above Babylon, at that time the capital of the most potent empire in the world, a great seat of learning and culture and law, famed for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon cited by ancient writers as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Lin based her video on the the Book of Genesis, chapter 11 which identifies Babylon as the site of the Tower of Babel. Eve Clone presides over the ruin of the mighty city below her, and the subsequent destruction of the world as caused by human beings, and then explodes in the sky above Babylon like a meteor burning up.

Just as the four evangelists transmitted their message through the medium of Greek scripture translated into Latin – utterly new to unlettered barbarians – so too does Lin employ the latest digital techniques to point out that the answer proposed by high technology is deeply flawed, tainted with over-reaching pride, and ignores man’s place in the cosmos.

[i]  Louden, Robert. n.d. Kant’s Human Being: essays on his theory of human nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Accessed May 4, 2019.

[ii] Fry, Stephen. 2017. Shannon Luminary Lecture Series - Stephen Fry, actor, comedian, journalist, author. Oct 3.


 Opening reception: Thursday October 24, 5-7pm
Exhibition Dates: October 17  – November 27, 2019
Venue: QCC Art Gallery/CUNY

Curators: Luchia Meihua Lee, Faustino Quintanilla
Co-organizers: QCC Art Gallery/CUNY and Taiwanese American Arts Council

Making of Eve Clone Documentation I- Head I, II, III, IV, V, 2017
Digital print with AR Installation and hand drawing 29.3 x 41.3 inches
Courtesy of the artist

Making of Eve Clone Documentation I- Hand I, II, III, IV, V, 2017
Digital print with AR Installation and hand drawing 29.3 x 41.3 inches
Courtesy of the artist
Scan QR Code for Head and hand interactive

Making of Eve Clone Portrait
Digital print with AR installation
 and hand drawing
21 x 28 inches
Courtesy of the artist

Video 1 夏娃克隆啟示錄
Revelation of Eve Clone IV, 2014
Motion graphics
3D animation, Electronic Music Composure,
Color with Sound, Single Channel DVD Loop
2:14 minites
Revelation of Eve Clone IVM:

 Video 2
Making of Eve Clone I
Digital video and sound projection,
3D animation,
9:10 minutes 

Video 3
Great Babylon, 2019
Motion graphics
3D animation, Electronic Music Composure,
Color with Sound, Single Channel DVD Loop
2:58 minites
Great Babylon M:



Friday, September 6, 2019

CC Yang: Reclaiming the Vision

CC Yang: Reclaiming the Vision
Opening reception: Thursday September 5, 2019 from 5 to 7pm
QCC Art Gallery/CUNY,
222-05 56th Ave, Bayside, NY 11364
Curators: Faustino Quintanilla, Luchia Meihua Lee
Exhibition Dates: August 28 - September 27, 2019

Watch Us! Together We Can do it
Simulation of the performance

Reclaiming the Vision presents a unified view of the interconnected segments of society and the physical environment in which it functions. This is accomplished by exhibiting CC Yang’s work related to politics, religion, art history, the environment, and global harmony. Starting in 2013, Yang has carefully planned a daring performance project named Watch Us! Together We Can do it for which he is seeking patronship. Collecting any object in this exhibition will go towards supporting Watch Us! Together We Can do it. We request your loving contribution to enable Yang’s dream. Taken as a whole, this work articulates Yang’s vision of a world towards which we can strive.

Plans call for Yang to a climb a 300-foot rope ladder attached to a helicopter or blimp, which ascent will be steadied by 230 collaborators – one from each nation on earth. When he reaches the apex, his fellow performers, each holding a unique brightly-colored LED strand, will power on a gigantic artwork illuminating the darkness. Unified in Yang’s version of an interconnected world, these 230 individuals will serve as role models, as a micro-level spiritual force intended to create macro-level worldwide harmony.

About CC Yang
Multidisciplinary artist CC Yang was born in Taiwan, and has resided for many years in New York City. He studied at Parsons School of Design in Manhattan (BFA, 1986) and at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn (Master of Science, 1994).  In a 2009 review Holland Cotter of the New York Times called one of his projects “a magical tunnel of love.” He has received grants from The New York Foundation for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, and from The Taiwan National Culture and Arts Foundation. He was awarded fellowships from the Vilcek Foundation and in 2018 he was at Yaddo. His 2019 artist residency was at MASS MoCA Studio, and in 2020 he will be at Santa Fe Art Institute for the Labor Residency.

His most recent work addresses society’s efforts to protect itself, both physically and psychologically, against long-term catastrophe resulting from pollution, surveillance, isolation, quarantine, and religious/political/social intolerance. The modern world, as Yang conceives it, is a graduated mixture of anxiety and entrancement. Twenty-first century products can do wondrous things, but producers and consumers alike wantonly discard waste. He explores such short-sighted practices by combining found materials, video projections, performance, and his own body to make art that spotlights ways forward. He likes to collaborate with other artists to create work which deals with the issues affecting individuals and, by extension, specific communities as well as society at large. Incorporating a touch of irony, his art helps us become better acquainted with the frightening side of human nature, signaling experimental and creative ways to view the planet and ourselves.

CC Yang: Reclaiming the Vision 楊金池的願景
Opening reception: Thursday September 5, 2019 from 5 to 7pm
Venue: QCC Art Gallery/CUNY, Bayside, NYC
222-05 56th Ave, Bayside, NY 11364  Tel: (718) 631-6396

楊金池的願景展覽收錄了他近十年來對社會,政治,宗教尤其以與環境的觀察及關心的作品及行爲表演,作品提供了對社會相互關聯與各環境的統一觀點,通過展示楊金池自不同的角度朝向關注全球,提供一種整體性的和諧及實現的可能。 從2013年開始,楊先生精心策劃了一個名為Watch Us!的大膽表演項目! 計劃將會要求楊攀登一架300英尺的直升機或飛艇上的繩梯,將由230名合作者穩定這繩梯 這揭示著--來自地球上的每個國家,當他到達頂點時,他的同伴們,每個人都拿著一個獨特的顏色鮮豔的LED線,為一個巨大的藝術作品在黑暗中照亮。 在楊金池版本的相互聯結的世界中統一,這230個人將充當榜樣,旨在創造宏觀層面的全球和諧的微觀精神力量。
我們共同努力為他尋求贊助。 在本次展覽中收集任何物品將用於支持Watch US! 我們一起做到了。 我們要求您的愛心貢獻,以實現楊的夢想。 總的來說,這項工作闡明了楊的觀點, 也是我們可以為之奮鬥的世界。

Tuesday, September 3, 2019