聆聽綠色的呼吸,感受綠色的心情,看見綠色的希望。我來自光,我是光的創造者;我是太陽、空氣、海洋、花香、河水...我們將更輕盈,更光亮! Listen to the breath of green, feel the emotion of green, see the light of green. I came from light, I am the light traveler! I am the light creator. I am sunshine, air, ocean, flower, river... Écoutez le souffle de vert, sentir l'émotion de vert, voir la lumière du vert. Je suis venu de la lumière, je suis le voyageur de la lumière ! Je suis le créateur de la lumière. Je suis le soleil, l'air, l'océan, fleur, rivière...
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Arts in Motion- Taiwanese American Contemporary Art
Arts in Motion
Taiwanese American Contemporary Art
The curatorial concept is based on the fact
that since the late twentieth century, artists have needed to be involved in
the studio, in the community, in the media, and in academic circles. At
the same time, continual drastic transformations in economy, demographics, and
communication have had a revolutionary effect upon the art world and added a
layer of complexity to art. These manifold influences have liberated artists as
well as imposed new constraints on them. Stimuli from different sources and the
consequent effects on artists have made it more difficult to classify artists,
who now frequently work in various media. Instantaneous communication and
frequent movements of immigrant groups have paradoxically made art more local,
since artists are driven to find ways to express their cultural identity in
contravention of established native standards. Simultaneously, previously
disdained art forms have found new favor and helped give birth to new media.
These powerful trends are having a profound impact on the art community that
shares common resources and complex ambitions. In this Arts
in Motion program, there will be a cross-collaboration between visual
artists Lin Shih Pao, MolMol Kuo
and Nung Hsin Hu and YUNG-LI DANCE. The
program will contain new technology, a kinetic work, and an art work addressing
recycling, and will be performed during
the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month both in ASA College and at Union
Square North.
Venue 1 : ASA College, Activities
Center in Manhattan Campus,
1. Preview and Reception
: Thursday May 23, 2013 5-8pm
- Dance duet program by YUNG-LI DANCE(陳詠俐)
- Video presentation by artists Nung Hsin Hu and MolMol Kuo(胡農欣,郭沛丰)
- Nose flute performance by aborigines from Pingtung, Taiwan
2. What Comes to Mind: Mixed-Media and Installation Art Works by artist Lin Shih
Pao (林世寶)- May 22 to 31, 2013
Address: 1293 Broadway / One Herald Center,
3rd Floor, Room 311-312,New York, NY 10001(Between 34 Street and 6
ASA College Transportation: B/D/F/M/Q/N/R
trains to 34 Street & 6 Ave, 1/2/3/LIRR to 34 Street & 7 Ave, A/C/E to
34 Street & 8 Ave
Venue 2:
Union Square North
Passport to Taiwan : Large installation pieces will be presented and
performed in Passport to Taiwan
Union Square
North, Sunday May 26th, 2013 10am to 5pm.
The Participating artists
and their works are
Nung Hsin Hu (胡農欣)
Taste - a see-saw style chopstick that hold a tongue and dips into the sauce in this interactive project.
Kuo (郭沛丰) Walk in Shelter -
a piece of 21st century
temple that adapts robotics to interact with onlookers.
Lin Shih Pao (林世寶) Sun in Action - a large car sculpture prepared with workers at Crystal Window and Door Systems.
YUNG-LI DANCE (陳詠俐) Dance duet – a story about travelers and the journey of new
Acknowledgements: Taipei
Cultural Center of TECO in NY, Queens Museum of Arts, Taiwanese American Arts Council,
Passport to Taiwan, ASA College, Crystal Window and Door Systems, Chashama.
For more information
Curator: Luchia Meihua Lee
Arts in Motion 藝術共振
Arts in Motion
Taiwanese American Contemporary Art
1. ASA 大學曼哈頓活動中心 ASA College, Activities Center in Manhattan Campus,
1293 Broadway / One Herald Center, 3rd Floor, Room 311-312
New York, NY 10001(Between 34 Street and 6 Ave)
New York, NY 10001(Between 34 Street and 6 Ave)
酒會:舞蹈,音樂,影像作品欣賞 五月二十三日(星期五)下午六點至八點Thursday May 23, 2013 6 PM - 8 PM
· YUNG-LI DANCE 陳詠俐雙人舞蹈
· 胡農欣(Nung Hsin Hu),郭沛丰(MolMol Kuo)作品影像欣賞
· 台灣屏東排灣族鼻笛演奏
林世寶(Lin Shih Pao)-混合媒材與裝置作品- 五月二十二日至三十一日May 22 to 31, 2013
ASA College, Manhattan Campus Transportation 公共交通:
B/D/F/M/Q/N/R trains to 34 Street & 6 Ave, 1/2/3/LIRR to 34 Street & 7 Ave, A/C/E to 34 Street & 8 Ave
B/D/F/M/Q/N/R trains to 34 Street & 6 Ave, 1/2/3/LIRR to 34 Street & 7 Ave, A/C/E to 34 Street & 8 Ave
2. 聯合廣場Union Square North- 臺灣巡禮
☆四位藝術家大型的互動與裝置藝術品與舞蹈表演將會在臺灣巡禮文化節,五月二十六日(星期日) 於聯合廣場戶外展出 Passport to Taiwan: Union Square North, Sunday May 26th, 2013
- 胡農欣(Nung Hsin Hu): Taste - 如蹺蹺板般的筷子夾住舌頭般的肉塊與沾醬互動立體作品。
- 郭沛丰(Molmol Kuo): Walk in Shelter – 一件21世紀的機器人神轎雕塑可以與觀者互動。
- 林世寶(Lin Shih Pao): Sun in Action - 與協和鋁門窗的勞工們合作組裝一部大型雕塑跑車。
- YUNG-LI DANCE 陳詠俐舞蹈 : Dance duet - 雙人舞表現新移民與旅行者的心聲。